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I'm always down to talk about anything. I'm more shy than anything else. I have a child. Best person…
Looking for
Anyone who would like to hang out. Loyalty and faithfulness are super important to me. Same music…
I am interested
About me
I am a man with a big heart, great sense of humor, lover of life as well. I believe that as we live…
Looking for
I would like to find a lady with good sense of humor, someone who is affectionate, caring, understan…
I am interested
About me
Nápis a dozvieš sa ;)
Looking for
Možno spolu zistíme
I am interested
About me
Som človek otvorený všetkému. Bojím sa výšok. Mám rád šport, varenie, cestovanie, dobré filmy.
Looking for
Normálnu ženu s triezvym pohľadom na svet.
I am interested
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Don't try to understand me
Looking for
Traveling and everything
I am interested
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Pohodak, sportovec.
Looking for
Babu do voza aj koca....
I am interested
About me
Jsem věrný, nesnáším lži a podvody. Mám rád historii a scifi...
Looking for
Hodnou, věrnou a tolerantní holku co nekouká do peněženky, mobilu a nestolkuje věk ani vzhled neřeší…
I am interested
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Napíš dozvieš sa viac
Looking for
Vážnu známosť
I am interested
Man, 35
About me
Talented man.
Looking for
Like to meet excellent people.
I am interested
About me
spolocensky zabavny ;)
Looking for
niekoho do partie
I am interested

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