sk cz si en
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Very kind, cares about others, will always be a fighter, has many freinds,
Looking for
Loving, caring and adorable queen
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Tak v skratke volám sa Adrián, pracujem ako mechanik rušňov v Bratislave a medzi moje záľuby patrí…
Looking for
Babu s ktorou by som sa rád zoznámil, ideálne takú ktorá je nezadaná a hľadá vzťah
I am interested
About me
Looking for
I am interested
About me
Som slobodny
Looking for
Hladam si dievca na zoznamenie
I am interested
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Looking for
Normal girl
I am interested
About me
I'm an extremely honest, caring,lovely, open minded
Looking for
The kind of lady I seek is do like to play with kids am a man that's seeking the same thing that i…
I am interested
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Milujem prírodu ale ani taký gaučing neni zlý :D Napíš a zistíš ;)
Looking for
Strateného psa zelenej farby
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Jsem duši romantik a tělem horou, co by sve milé snesl modré z nebe. ☺
Looking for
spřízněnost a inteligenci
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Zeptej se a odpovím ?
Looking for
Kamarádky na sex a kdo ví... ?
I am interested
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Viz profil a víš co... raději mi napiš, děkuji.
Looking for
I am interested

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