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About me
Am a simple man with traditional values am open minded and love to watch sports.
Looking for
Am in search of happiness
I am interested
About me
Som slušný, milý, rozumný chalan. Rád dievča vypočujem a mám pochopenie pre jej problémy. Mám 21…
Looking for
Milé, rozumné, vtipné a sympatické dievča. Preferujem kresťanky ale netrvám na tom. Hľadám dievča…
I am interested
About me
Pessoa sincera
Looking for
Pessoa que deseja passar momentos bons com alguém
I am interested
About me
Zeptej se mě co tě zajímá a já ti odpovím .
Looking for
Normální ženu
I am interested
About me
Som mily chapavy skromny zabavny chalan ak napišeš zistiš ;))
Looking for
podobnu babu mne
I am interested
Man, 25
About me
Regional Planner
Looking for
Nice times, chat
I am interested
Man, 30
About me
Just a normal guy who can listen to your long stories
Looking for
Searching for someone who could be understanding as well as kinky
I am interested
Man, 28
About me
Not much to say... better it stays a surprise
Looking for
Long-term relationship, or at least humanity
I am interested
Man, 28
About me
am a calm and cool boy and lonely
Looking for
am looking for a serious dating gil from any country
I am interested
Man, 40
About me
Appreciate the Creator and love life
Looking for
Being herself
I am interested

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