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Najdôležitejšie je byť úprimný.
Looking for
Rada spoznávam nových ľudí :)
I am interested
About me
Looking for
Časem se uvidí
I am interested
Woman, 26
South Africa
About me
Im a hardworking mum , independent I love cooking ,the rest u know if u lucky
Looking for
Someone who loves kids hardworking and mature at the same time
I am interested
About me
Napiš a zjisti sám :)
Looking for
Hledám jen někoho na pokec :)
I am interested
About me
Mladá baculka ktorá má rada zábavu
Looking for
Staršieho dominantneho milenca
I am interested
About me
I am simple and adventurous. I enjoy the simple things in life. I believe in loyalty
Looking for
A genuine life partner other self respect , self love and self trust. The rests shall be the cream…
I am interested
About me
Som milá, zábavná, otvorená, priama, rozvedená mamička. Mám rada humor a zábavu, rada chodím do prír…
Looking for
Hľadám milého, pohodového muža, ktorý nebude myslieť len na seba, s ktorým zase objavíme dôveru…
I am interested
About me
-ráda kreslím
Looking for
-někoho na pokec
I am interested
Woman, 60
South Africa
About me
I'm a honest God fearing woman easily forgiving
Looking for
God fearing man who love and be honest to me
I am interested
About me
Am just a simple lady..looking for a serious relationship
Looking for
Looking for a humble and careing man..someone who will love me with all his heart
I am interested

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