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Man, 20
United Kingdom
About me
Neurodivergent, obsessed with the profound obscurities of life, & suspiciously hypermobile joints.

Probably the most polite, formal, and seemingly innocent person you'll ever meet on the surface but behind closed doors... well we'll get onto that a little later shall we?

I've got an open-mind and a yearning for novelty, though don't mistake my enthusiasm for a lack of good judgement :p
Looking for
Casual but not careless. I'm a sensitive person going through an "exploring phase" at the moment. Fun, intimacy, and genuine connection is all welcome :]

If you're not looking to meet up in person please don't message me

oh and most importantly communicate! Nothing ever happens on these apps because no one knows how to talk about what they feel
Height: 5'10
Weight: About 75KG. Skinny bloodeh lad I am
Hair: Darker Blonde
Eyes: Blue
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