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Neskúsený pasív čo rád skúša nové veci.
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Chcem vyfajčiť niekomu, možno časom aj niečo viac.
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Yup yes indeed ? I got the gate open and the front door was a little bit out of it to
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Whatever life kicks through the circle, gate says lift mind
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Moje meno je Rasťo a veľmi rád spoznávam nových ľudí.
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Hľadám chalana na všetko, či už na trávenie voľného času spolu. Poviem narovinu, že by som bol rád…
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Single didnt have wife didnt have girlfriend
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New Friends Short term dating Long term dating maybe match can be my wife?
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Just be careful to everyone around you.
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I'm looking for a Man happy when we're together in the same room ?
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I’m more of the let you be judge type
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GOD fearing woman
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ahojte som mila priatelska osoba ktora hlada lasku a pochopenie som velmi citlivi a rad by som nasie…
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hladam milu priatelsku citlivu osobu ktorej budem moct davat svoju lasku a aj ona mne a hlavne hlada…
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Honest man
I am interested
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I'm single looking for a woman
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Single woman
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14 y.o neskusený pasív hľadám niekoho kdo mi ošuká ústa natvrdo spolknem
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