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About me
Am a rap artist from Nigeria I do music for living and I love meeting people
Looking for
Strong and responsible lady
I am interested
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I'm a Taurus and just like a Bull I'm often horny ?
Looking for
Not sure
I am interested
About me
Napíš a dozvies sa
Looking for
Ani sám neviem
I am interested
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To zjistíš :P
Looking for
Někoho :)
I am interested
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Jsem ukecanej a lecim se
Looking for
Nekoho na normální pokec
I am interested
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Som milý zábavný chodím sa pozerať ha futbal hokej atď viac sa dozvieš v správe
Looking for
Hľadám milé slušne zábavné dievča ktore tiež mma rada šport
I am interested
About me
Àm single hoping to change that soon
Looking for
Looking for the one that will complete me
I am interested
About me
I'm always down to talk about anything. I'm more shy than anything else. I have a child. Best person…
Looking for
Anyone who would like to hang out. Loyalty and faithfulness are super important to me. Same music…
I am interested
About me
Mam rad auta motorky sem tam vyletík šport síce len rekreačné hokej futbal
Looking for
Zatiaľ niekoho na chatik ? no ak sa zhodneme tak aj pobehnut von niekde vyletík autom motorkou v…
I am interested
About me
I am a man with a big heart, great sense of humor, lover of life as well. I believe that as we live…
Looking for
I would like to find a lady with good sense of humor, someone who is affectionate, caring, understan…
I am interested

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