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About me
hey everyone i am Dallintono,im easy going type ,i love my self and anyone arround me,im honest,loya…
Looking for
looking for someone who will love me and take me as i am,a good woman with love,honest,loyal and…
I am interested
About me
napíš a dozvieš sa
Looking for
I am interested
About me
Looking for
I am interested
About me
Občas je potřeba pokecat :-D
Looking for
Jo....tak to je právě to co nevim
I am interested
Man, 41
About me
Transparent ..caring
Looking for
Trustworthy lady. Open hearted
I am interested
About me
Som milí, priateľský ale ak chceš vedieť viac kľudne sa spýtaj rad ti odpoviem.
Looking for
Hľadám si žienku, slečnu na pekný vzťah hádam že si tu a napíšeš.
I am interested
About me
Jsem milý, hodný a hledám flirt, později možná víc.
Looking for
Milou, hodnou, upřímnou.
I am interested
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veselý človek, čo ma rád prírodu, zvieratá a dobrých ľudí ?
Looking for
príjemnú, športovo založenú žienku ??
I am interested
About me
I'm spontaneous and always imbibing towards my intuitive reasoning. I like to just enjoy the ride.…
Looking for
Matured responsible loyal and understanding woman. Ready to challenge my mind as I always put smiles…
I am interested
About me
som zabezpeceny muz
Looking for
niekoho na sprijemnenie zivota
I am interested

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