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I’m a well dedicated, devoted, supportive, courageous, outspoken and faithful man with a great sense…
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I’m looking for a serious and long term relationship with a woman who is well dedicated and faithful…
I am interested
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Som veľmi kľudni chalan.
Looking for
Jednu peknú nežnú ženu.
I am interested
About me
Ahojky hezký den zdraví tě bývalý profesionální cyklista trenér všestranně zájmy smysl pro humor…
Looking for
Ženu která je v pohodě má alespoň trošku smysl pro humor pokud má ráda ráda kolo moc potěší a když…
I am interested
About me
Looking for
I am interested
About me
I'm a nature lover I like to make people laugh and I respect everybody sense of reasons
Looking for
Love, trust, honest, caring with sense of humour
I am interested
About me
Looking for
Chat fun.
I am interested
About me
Volám sa Frank Morris. Som povolaním námorný inžinier, vyrastal som v Bristole vo Veľkej Británii.…
Looking for
I would like to meet someone who doesn’t take themselves too seriously. Is warm, generous, easygoing…
I am interested
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I'm Daniel hardworking and gentle.
Looking for
Someone compatible
I am interested
About me
A čo tak keby o sebe nepovedal nateraz nič?
Looking for
Nehladam...lebo ten kto hlada h...o najde.
I am interested
About me
Som nefajčiar, abstinent a rád by som sa smial.
Looking for
Rád by som spoznal štíhlu, úprimnú, sympatickú ženu ktorej vernosť a rodinný život nie je cudzí.
I am interested

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