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About me
I'm a honest man with a good sense of humor.
Looking for
Looking for true love and someone to care for with love, trust, honesty, understanding and good comm…
I am interested
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Som aký som ...
Looking for
Hľadám spriaznenú dušu ...
I am interested
About me
Jsem vdovec a hledám spřízněnou duši, se kterou bych mohl strávit zbytek života.
Looking for
Hledá se lepší polovička
I am interested
About me
Som aký som ?
Looking for
Úplne obyčajnú babu
I am interested
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Som ústretový a tolerantný
Looking for
Hľadám partnerku, ktorá by sa ku mne prisťahovala
I am interested
About me
Tall, funny,great cook, good listener, and excellent big spoon
Looking for
I guess you could say I'm Clyde looking for my Bonnie
I am interested
About me
Am a honest man ? always happy ??
Looking for
Women who is honest i love them very much ❤️
I am interested
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Som taký aký som.
Looking for
Hľadám úprimnú, dobrosrdečnú a milú na vážny a reálny vzťah
I am interested
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Jsem jaký jsem
Looking for
Ženu na nezávazný sex
I am interested
About me
Sejdem se a uvidíš orginal
Looking for
I am interested

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