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Jemná kontrolce už dlouho ajdu do invalidního důchodu
Looking for
Hledám normální ženu lásku pochopeni
I am interested
About me
I am a nice person who is considerate and respectful of the feelings of others. I am a great listene…
Looking for
A good, optimistic, playful, hardworking, devoted, intelligent, trustworthy, honest, honest and sinc…
I am interested
About me
Obyčejný chlap
Looking for
Pohodovou ženu
I am interested
About me
Rocker s dobrým srdcem
Looking for
Ženu zatím na povídání a chat
I am interested
About me
I'm a simple and loving. Love yo smile and laugh.
Looking for
Here for love and married
I am interested
About me
Som hodinový manzel
Looking for
I am interested
About me
I'm a caring and kind hearted man
Looking for
Looking for a caring woman
I am interested
About me
Normální chlap, snad
Looking for
Normální ženu
I am interested
About me
Am a well trained and good man who wants to live life to the fullest
Looking for
God fearing woman
I am interested
About me
Jsem pohodový ,věrný ale nechci být sám. Mít si s kým povídat, psát a k někomu přitulit
Looking for
Někoho s kým si budu rozumět a sdílet vše dobré i zlé
I am interested

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