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Sugar dady
Looking for
Sugar baby
I am interested
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Jsem obyčejný chlap,co do smůly šláp a chce zatnout dráp ?
Looking for
Ženu k světu
I am interested
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V pohode muž, ktorý vie čo chce a koho chce
Looking for
Priateľku, ak ovšem existuje priateľstvo, medzi mužom a ženou
I am interested
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Slobodný bez deti
Looking for
Mam ženu ktorú milujem
I am interested
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Som z Presova a rad si pokecam, pripadne sa aj rad zoznamim.
Looking for
Hladam prijemnu zenu :)
I am interested
About me
To briefly introduce myself; I am an understanding, mature, cultured person, I just retired, I don't…
Looking for
Age, language, religion and region are not important, understanding is important.
I am interested
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Ahoj jsem prima chlap co nezkazí srndu
Looking for
Hledám ženu na trvalý vztah
I am interested
About me
Calm, hard working and fun to chat with.
Looking for
Good friend
I am interested
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Heart broken ?
Looking for
Life partner
I am interested
About me
zivot je svina
Looking for
dama na obcasne stretka vo dvojici
I am interested

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