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About me
I'm down to earth and caring.
Looking for
Serious Relationship
I am interested
About me
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matters don't mind and those who minds don't…
Looking for
A kind and gentle woman who will accept me for who I'm and ready to spend the rest of her life on…
I am interested
About me
I'm a lady girl widower who just wants to have fun. I love eating pussy
Looking for
Someone who really enjoys sex and loves having fun
I am interested
About me
Looking for
Fun, adventure & respect
I am interested
Nurul khan
Man, 116
About me
Am a good a nice friend
Looking for
I am interested
About me
VS, narozen ve znamení štíra,sport,hudba,divadlo,turistika,jazyky
Looking for
Ženu či divku z Ol, s podobnymi zajmy jako mam Já. Více informací vemail zprávách. Zn: Nekousu!!!
I am interested

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