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Confidence is like “Show up in every single moment like you're meant to be there. That’s my own beli…
Looking for
Relationship that will lead to something serious
I am interested
About me
Am always loving and caring
Looking for
I am interested
About me
Am sincere and careing
Looking for
I am interested
About me
Love pizza
Looking for
Open for everything
I am interested
About me
Guten Abend bin der schmidi komme aus dem Ruhrgebiet und bin 31 Jahre alt und bin offen für fast…
Looking for
Guten Morgen Bin der schmidi komme aus dem Ruhrgebiet und bin 31 Jahre alt und bin offen für fast…
I am interested
About me
Phlegmatic, stoically humble, down to earth and sociable
Looking for
A mature Lovely and caring woman for something serious
I am interested
About me
I’m a lovely man with a good heart
Looking for
Long time relationship that will lead to marriage
I am interested
Man, 27
About me
Bin 25 Jahre alt :) komme aus Bayern bin Süd Europäer, bin sehr Freundlich und ich freue mich immer…
Looking for
Ich suche auf diesem Wege eine liebevolle, nette Partnerin für eine schöne harmonische und ernste…
I am interested
Man, 43
About me
I got nothing special about me, I just try to be best I wanna see in the world ?
Looking for
Looking for something serious and special.☺️
I am interested
About me
I'm looking for the woman I can give my heart who will keep it safe and sound.
Looking for
A nice and caring woman
I am interested

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