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About me
Ask me, I will be glad to tell you
Looking for
Faithful and honest
I am interested
About me
Som veselý muž
Looking for
Haladam milenku môže byť aj vydatá Okolie TT,MY,SE,SI,MA,
I am interested
About me
Adventure seeking explorer with a heart full of passion and an insatiable curiosity for the world.…
Looking for
Loving a adventure lover
I am interested
About me
Poviem osobne
Looking for
Kamarátku s výhodami
I am interested
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Som naružlivý
Looking for
Ženu na nežne trávenie voľného času
I am interested
About me
Looking for
I am interested
About me
Myslím si že som príjemný, nekonfliktný a diskrétny muž
Looking for
Priateľku najlepšie zadanú
I am interested
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I believe in action speaking not just words
Looking for
Someone who I can share my feelings and understand my kind of personality
I am interested
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Ľahké a krásne
Looking for
Spriaznená duša
I am interested
About me
Spolahlivy, vysporiadana minulost, stale usmiaty, s vlastnym byvanim Bratislava a Spanielsko
Looking for
Uprimnu, NIE tetovanu, neupravovanu, normalnu
I am interested

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