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Nikdy nevíš s čím přijdu???
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Někoho s dobrým srdcem
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I’m a God fearing woman and I treat people the same way I want to be treated back Love to joke…
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I’m looking for a serious relationship that will lead to marriage and have kids +1(614) 522-9776 On…
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Love jokes
Looking for
Serious relationship
I am interested
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Ráda zajdu na kafe, ?
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Slušného, milého, sexy muže
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Sympatická vtipná
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I am interested
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Taková normální ženská která vi co by ráda a co nerada
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Normalniho muže který ví co je důležité pro šťastný život
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Woman, 21
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CA Student Calicut, Kerala
Looking for
A person who value relationships. And who got a vibe match for me. And Looking for a person in Calic…
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Som nezávislá, pracujúca, milujem cestovanie, záhradu, pečenie chýba mi niekto s kým sa môžem tešiť…
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Nezávislého muža, ktorému nebudú vadiť moje kilá navyše a chce sa tešiť so mnou zo života.
I am interested
About me
Am fun person who loves to be pampered a lot, and am single and ready to mingle ….yeah that’s the…
Looking for
Am looking for a generous man who gives freely and loves for real and also one who loves to pamper…
I am interested

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