sk cz si en
Age Locality

Woman, 29
About me
Short, dark, very pretty, charming and unique.
Looking for
Tall, dark, built man with a sense of humour, understanding and generous in all areas?
I am interested
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Do pohody som
Looking for
I am interested
About me
jsem jedinacek modre oci hnede vlasy 39.let
Looking for
hledem na dopisovani kamarada kamaradka moravsky beroun.olomouc.bruntal.39.49.let
I am interested
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Normální holka
Looking for
I am interested
About me
Normální pěkná holka, co s ráda pobaví
Looking for
I am interested
About me
Som milá, úprimná, mám zmysel pre humor, nepijem, nefajčím, rada chodím do prírody, mám rada šport.
Looking for
Hľadám priateľa, ktorý má zmysel pre humor, má rád zvieratá, rád športuje a chodí do prírody a nepi…
I am interested
About me
Looking for a serious relationship that will lead to my marriage
Looking for
A man that will stay with me for the rest of my life
I am interested
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snad normální žena
Looking for
I am interested
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zistis, ked popiseme
Looking for
muza na zivot
I am interested
About me
Hladam priatela
Looking for
Hladam muža na važny vztah
I am interested

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