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I'm a small business owner with 3 dogs.
Looking for
Someone who wants to build a new life with me, someone who wants to travel the world, someone who…
I am interested
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I live in Chardon Ohio
Looking for
I am interested
About me
High on life
Looking for
Compatibility and inspiration
I am interested
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Sympatická, dlhovlasá a modrooká blondínka... ,kto chce vedieť viac, nech sa pýta.
Looking for
Inteligentneho a vzdelaného muža s prehľadom, ktorý hľadá nežnú a krehkú krásu...
I am interested
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Looking for
I am interested
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I am single and searching
Looking for
a serious relationship in my life
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Woman, 62
South Africa
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I'm your girl next door.?
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Looking for my forever person ?
I am interested
About me
I'm a simple woman with God fearing.
Looking for
I'm looking for a long term relationships and I got a big heart to love.
I am interested
About me
Som 54 ročná, 178 cm vysoká, plno štíhlej postavy. Rada varím a chcem si s tebou spríjemniť život…
Looking for
Vdovca, slobodného staršieho pána o ktorého sa rada postarám.
I am interested
Woman, 50
About me
Looking for
L'uomo perfetto
I am interested

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