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Ahoj volám sa Natalia
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Človeka ktorý mi spríjemní chvíle v mojom živote
I am interested
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Som vesela žena ktorá hľadá rozptýlenie a zábavu
Looking for
Tiež veselého muža
I am interested
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Som priatelska a mila
Looking for
Vazny vztah
I am interested
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Normálna baba
Looking for
Normálneho a úprimného.
I am interested
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Za napísanie človek nič neda. Neskusi nevie
Looking for
Niekoho na pokec a mozno casom viac
I am interested
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Som pekna
Looking for
I am interested
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Keď chceš niečo vedieť napiš?
Looking for
Normálneho chalana
I am interested
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Am Miss Brown by name single woman with no kid never married and am 34 years old and I work in a…
Looking for
A responsible man no faking serious men only
I am interested
About me
Naozaj super baba
Looking for
Toho pravého
I am interested

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