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Ahoj, je mi 38 let a hledám obyčejného, hodného muže. Je mi tak nějak "samotné" smutno. Bylo by fain…
Looking for
Hledám partnera, abych nebyla sama, věk od 40 do 50 let.
I am interested
About me
Som pohľadná, veselá, duchom mladá...
Looking for
Rada by som sa zoznámila s niekým milým, nekonfliktným, normálnym :)...zatiaľ na rozhovor a občasné…
I am interested
About me
Som veselá, spontánna, ráda sa bavím, ale tiež odpočívám ??
Looking for
Vysoký, inteligentný, zábavný
I am interested
Woman, 38
About me
Looking for serious relationship with a good man who I will spend the rest of my life with
Looking for
Good man and serious man who she ready to marry
I am interested
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Simple self
Looking for
Happy man
I am interested
About me
Jsem upřímná hodná laskavá
Looking for
Kamarád nebo přítele
I am interested
About me
Jsem obyčejná a sympatická
Looking for
Prostě někoho, kdo by za to stál.
I am interested
Jenny baby
Woman, 44
About me
Am a single mom of two who is looking for a life partner and I don't want fake people
Looking for
Looking for a serious relationship
I am interested
About me
Boring person
Looking for
Someone who can keep up with
I am interested
About me
Green eyes. Lakers for life. Dog lover. Purple. Sunshine. Laughter. Sarcasm. Live music.
Looking for
Some laughs and good times.
I am interested

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