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(人 •͈ᴗ•͈) Pravdepodobnosť že sa stretneme je taka že bod D je blízko bodu X.
Looking for
ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ niekoho na pokec
I am interested
Woman, 36
About me
I'm 5'4 in hieght very friendly and open minded and I am very talkative at the same time.
Looking for
A serious guy to talk with Please fake and pervert stay away from me ??
I am interested
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Když se zeptáš,tak se dozvíš
Looking for
Kohokoliv s kym se da bavit a dokaze rozesmat :-)
I am interested
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Ráda čtu a šiju
Looking for
Milého člověka, se kterým se dá bavit
I am interested
About me
I am 35, three kids thay don't live with me they live up north.
Looking for
A man who will love me for me and not just my looks.
I am interested
About me
Looking for
I am interested
Woman, 29
About me
Am a physiotherapist and a lovable person all I need is be real pls ?
Looking for
I am interested
Woman, 41
About me
I'm here to meet people from all over the world:) exchange opinions And who knows, something else…
Looking for
and also if i'm lucky i'm open for a long term relationship if I find the right person ... I belie…
I am interested
About me
Věřím v lásku.
Looking for
I am interested
About me
Hello guys I'm new here
Looking for
Love you guys
I am interested

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