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Som mladá baba, ktorá by rada zažila niečo nové a neľutovala život na staré kolená
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Hľadám ženu, s ktorou by som mohla skúsiť nepoznané ? Muži nepíšte mi, ďakujem. :)
I am interested
About me
23 let Pozitivní realista, žiju život na plno, sem upřímná takže ti vše řeknu na plnou hubu, a mam…
Looking for
I am interested
Woman, 26
About me
An intentional baby girl looking for love
Looking for
I am interested
Slim bullet
Woman, 23
About me
Well I'm cool to make friend with and I'm also a public health nursing
Looking for
I'm looking for serious friendships
I am interested
About me
Am a cool and calm person
Looking for
Boyfriend that can lead to fiance
I am interested
Woman, 28
About me
Cool queen
Looking for
I am interested
About me
I love to be sincere about my words as i don't have any hiding agendas. Because i hate to make peopl…
Looking for
I'm actually really looking for a serious relationship with a good heart caring man
I am interested
About me
Looking for
Looking for serious relationship
I am interested
About me
Looking for
I am interested
Woman, 27
About me
Just simple
Looking for
Someone to love an spend the rest of my life with
I am interested

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