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In Mississippi but it's not a option. So Alabama is close.
Looking for
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About me
Former educator turned writer; that's my nephew in the picture
Looking for
Someone with their life together
I am interested
About me
Nice and active man who enjoys work and playtime!
Looking for
Nice respectful woman to hang out with me and my girlfriend
I am interested
Man, 26
About me
Looking for
I am interested
About me
Som zdravotník a dosť to na mne vidno, dal by som si furt mekáč a pivo, už mi chýbaš len ty ja a…
Looking for
Sympatickú dámu čo mi navarí dobrotu fajnú, tatkovské vtipy musia byt, bez nich sa nedá žiť…
I am interested
About me
Looking for
I am interested
About me
Looking for
I am interested
Man, 37
About me
I'm so simple, talkative.., honest and trustworthy. I hate fake profiles. Like true friendship.
Looking for
True friendship and care
I am interested
About me
.♿ Mojim poznávacím znakom sú 4 kolesá a mojím revírom sú (ne)bezbariérové chodníky a cesty plné…
Looking for
.Pumpičku čo mi dofúka bezdušové kolesá na tátošovi.
I am interested
Man, 39
About me
Bare frisk, og vild med at dyrke kroppen
Looking for
Sjov og ballade…
I am interested

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