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Hledám slečnu, ženu z Jihomoravský, Olomoucký Kraj
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I'm myself lol... you know about me when you send me a cute text and we have lengthy conversations!!…
Looking for
A wonderful woman whom nature has bestowed its beauty upon her, a God fearing woman, totally honest…
I am interested
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Milí a vtipný
Looking for
I am interested
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Normální chlápek, poslouchám hlavně pořádnou hudbu, což je rock a metal, na ženy jsem hodný, upřímný…
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Hledám ženu, která dokáže ocenit dobré vlastnosti a umí tolerovat ty horší. Pořád si nestěžuje, že…
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Looking for
Rád spoznám ženu ktorá hladá trvalý vzťah
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Ani sam neviem
Looking for
Hladam len jednu jedinu
I am interested
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Very open-minded energetic very active love to try different things just looking for well whatever's…
Looking for
A girl that's not just totally obsessed with herself not uptight kind of a free spirit
I am interested
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Napiš a uvidíme ?
Looking for
Tak snad první kontakt a vše ostatní pak záleží kam se to vše posune .
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Man, 39
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Average in height ,black skin
Looking for
Serious relationship
I am interested
Man, 32
About me
I always stand by the truth
Looking for
Soul mate
I am interested

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