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Jsem skromný, upřímný, skeptický,hodně pečlivý,nemám rád faleš a lži!
Looking for
Normální, holčina upřímnou,nežárlivou,
I am interested
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Let's know each other .. having a communication with a postive frame of mind is what the most import…
Looking for
I ll be blunt .. looking for friends .. may be it would lead to a relationship and I ll make it clea…
I am interested
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I'm just simple guy who wants a simple girl like you
Looking for
A loving lady
I am interested
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Hard work
Looking for
Even more hard work
I am interested
About me
Looking for
I am interested
About me
Žijeme jen jednou
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Vášnivou, zvrhlou co se líbí zkoušet nové věci, experimenty
I am interested
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Brittany and I have been together for some years and we are at a place in our relationship where we…
Looking for
Someone to laugh with, enjoy the sun, dance, listen to some good music
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Ahoj, som nezadaný, mladý muž, zabezpečený, ktory obľubuje leto, vodu.
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Hľadam partnerku, v cca mojom veku, ktorá by chcela pokecať, alebo íst na rande.
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Pohodar hledá pohodový protějšek na pokec,vztah nebo jen Přátelství .
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Hledám fajn slečnu
I am interested
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Jsem na mesic v praze a hledam povyrazeni
Looking for
I am interested

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