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I’m an independent contractor, I run a small construction company and a middle class guy. I’m widowe…
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I’m looking for someone who loves completely as isn’t afraid so show it. Someone who would love ever…
I am interested
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US army ???? Aquarius ♒♒ God bless America
Looking for
A woman who will love and be by my side
I am interested
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Som neposlušný
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Dievča, ženu na nezáväzné stretnutia
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Som pohodový chalan mam rád hory a hlavne leto
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Hľadám ženu na vážny vzťah
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Normální chlap
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Nejaka fajn kamaradka se tu najde? Vztah výlety kafíčko
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zvířátka, sport,malování...
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Možná zrovna tebe?
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I'll do this later..
Looking for
I'll do this later
I am interested
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Single z Prahy Lužiny, časem chci bydlet v Sadské na pozemku.
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Nevim co napsat
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Se mi vivos mi esperas
Looking for
Život ve dvou
I am interested

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