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Man, 38
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I'm from the land of Kamasutra very open you can ask me anything ?
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Looking for a nice lady
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Som čestný muž nemám rád falošné a ženy co sa robia nemám rád klamstvo som fajciar
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Hľadám ženu ktorá neklame a je úprimná
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Srdačan pozdrav iz Zagreba
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I am interested
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I like to be outdoors. I live near a lake so I fish pretty often. I work and go to school. Currently…
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Looking for someone who is interested in dating with the possibility of something long term in the…
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Som aký som a lepší asi nebudem ????
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Man, 35
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Sweet and carrying person
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Looking for serious relationship
I am interested
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#práce#sport#restaurace občas#nudu neznam #sranda musí bejt
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Som uprimny a naklonny clovek co nepotrebuje v nicom klamat
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Zenu ktora unesie len tolko kolko dokaze na otasky neotpovie no staci mi co ukaze a minulost je suca…
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Napíš a spýtaj sa :)
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Fajn dievča na pokec a časom sa uvidí:)
I am interested

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