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Sem tam něco popit...,sem tam pohulit,,...,negdy ay?⚗️??????????
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Holchinu..,chi paní....,chi jen tak couru za vodměny????✉️?
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Obyčajný človek
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Partnerku na vážny vzťah
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Just ask me
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I looking something interested
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Jsem chlap s hlavou v oblacích a nohama na zemi, snílek, ale realista. Mám velkou nadváhu, ale bojuj…
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Ženu inteligentni a tolerantní, nevýbušné povahy, introvertku, co si chce užívat i žít aktivně.
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Normalni kluk
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Normalni holku
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I stand 5'11" and weight 175 lbs. Thin and flexible, I keep my weight healthy to maintain my goals.…
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A lot of money is my main goal and a beautiful woman. I don't ask for too much.I guess.
I am interested
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I am interested
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Jsem jaký jsem,musí se poznat
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Někoho pohodoveho
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