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Just a humble man, love listening to music and create happiness ☺️☺️
Looking for
Lovely Caring honest and understandable woman
I am interested
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I'm a single father with two twin boys
Looking for
I'm looking for a good woman to get marry to... doesn't matter if you have kids also like me
I am interested
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Som nenáročný človek.
Looking for
Hľadám vážny vzťah
I am interested
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Jsem normální
Looking for
I am interested
About me
I'm a 44 year young man who has never completely grown up. I still like a lot of the things I did…
Looking for
A friend to go places with and who knows what could happen
I am interested
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Som pohodak milujem bike prírodu rád varím
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Sympatickú milú ženu na zoznámenie písanie priateľstvo pokec časom viac
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Sympatický,vstricni,spolehlivy,nekurak, otevreny vsemu novému. Čas vše ukáže kam se zivot pohne..
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Ženu ci slečnu, která ma ráda společnost,kolo, lyže, vycházky a výlety. Objevovat nové věci...
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Som pohodovy, priatelsky, komunikativny
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Priatelsku, komunikativnu zenu na urovni. Hladam kamaratstvo, nieco nezavazne a mozno aj vztah
I am interested
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Looking for
Partnerku na vztah
I am interested
About me
Surgeon at beltline bariatric surgical hospital. Atlanta Georgia.
Looking for
Easy going, down to earth , awesome life style and caring .
I am interested

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