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Vyssi, stihly, sportovo zalozeny, vsestrannych zaujmov.
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K sebe, partnerku, priatelku, so zdravym pohladom na zivot a aktivnym sposobom zivota. Taku hladam…
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Nezkazím žádnou legraci
Looking for
Usměvavá, veselá .....
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Dlouhovlasý brunet 45/195
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Hledám lásku,vztah...
I am interested
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Looking for
Ahoj hledam kamosku
I am interested
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Looking for
Kamarádku na sport, laškovné psaní... a možná i s.. x
I am interested
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Am an honest man with a good heart and I seek for a stable relationship. I understand it is importan…
Looking for
A good woman who is loving and caring and also have a good sense of humor
I am interested
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My interest. And please if you are interested only respond back. And let’s keep communicating to…
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Long-term relationship
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Ahoj, vítam Ťa v mojom profile. Verím, že Ťa presvedčím, že si urobila správne keď si na neho klikl…
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Hľadám príjemnú ženu, ktorá rada cvičí, číta knihy, vzdeláva sa, veľa sa smeje a má pozitivny prístu…
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Man, 46
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Engineering management
Looking for
I am interested
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Mám rád humor
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Přátelství, pak jse uvidí ok
I am interested

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