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Hi there, I'm C. Jude, originally from Sri Lanka and currently working as a marketing manager specia…
Looking for
Hi there, I'm looking for a genuine and open friendship that includes happiness, trust, honesty…
I am interested
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Lover everyone around me
Looking for
Nice and caring
I am interested
About me
Looking for
Dating!/long term relationship
I am interested
About me
Je zhola zbytečné se ptát ,má-li život smysl,či ne..Má takový smysl,jaký mu My dáme.
Looking for
Hledám pohodovou ženu,která už nechce , stejně jako já,trávit volné chvíle o samotě a která umí neje…
I am interested
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Looking for
Looking for fun people for fun times
I am interested
About me
Sexy older guy, easy going, openminded
Looking for
Flirting, chat, friends
I am interested
About me
Být sám je někdy fajn, ale jsou věci které jsou hezčí ve dvou
Looking for
Ženu na příjemné trávení volnych chvil. Dlouhodobě. A jestli umíš si prohrávat i s fantaziemi, tak…
I am interested
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I'm easy to get along with feel free to talk to me
Looking for
A serious long term relationship
I am interested
About me
Před nedávnem jsem ovdověl, tak snad do začátku někoho na pokec....
Looking for
Ženu, která stojí nohama na zemi.
I am interested
About me
I’m a God fearing man here to see what’s out there just want to love and be loved
Looking for
Looking for someone who’s ready to be in a serious relationship and who knows what she wants
I am interested

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