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Family is everything. Faith is my rock. Quiet times are beautiful. Caring and being care about, mutu…
Looking for
A devoted woman with good sense of humor
I am interested
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Am good cool
Looking for
Serious relationship
I am interested
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Náročný pohoďák
Looking for
Štíhlu empatickú vzdelanú ženu
I am interested
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Som starý mládenec pokojnej povahy,nefajčiar,mám rád prírodu.
Looking for
Ženu na vážny vzťah,na prechádzky a výlety po Slovensku,na spríjemnenie jesene života.
I am interested
About me
I am a Marine Engineer. I work as an Oil rig contractor. I am down to earth and easy going. I love…
Looking for
A serious relationship that will lead to lifetime union.
I am interested
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I’m a bit shy but am really such a beautiful soul!!!
Looking for
I’m searching for true love and trust!!!
I am interested
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Looking for
ženu skromnú a úprimnu
I am interested
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64let 178 vysoky modré oči nosím brýle koníčky mám motorismus přírodu rád vařím a ještě sex
Looking for
Upřímnou a milou ženu která by se mnou chtěla prožít hezké chvíle
I am interested
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Ask me anything
Looking for
A friend and lover and life partner.
I am interested
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Som zmyselný, zdravý muž otvorený všetkému, samozrejme s mierou.
Looking for
Príjemnú devu, ochotnú sa podeliť aj o intímne zážitky a časom uvidíme.
I am interested

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