sk cz si en
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About me
Vážný vztah, vyřešená minulost. Bez dluhů
Looking for
Fajn ženu
I am interested
Man, 54
About me
I am not a people pleaser. I am one diplomatic disaster about to happen. I speak my mind, break hear…
Looking for
Friendship, Relationship etc
I am interested
Man, 25
About me
im 22 years old looking for SC fun or chat
Looking for
im 22 years old looking for SC fun or chat
I am interested
About me
I'm here looking for a serious long term relationship xx
Looking for
Serious relationship
I am interested
Man, 29
About me
I am
Looking for
I am interested
About me
I'm a freelance business man that lobes meeting people and going places
Looking for
Someone fun,caring,articulate and above all kind.
I am interested
About me
I'm a sincere man and honesty
Looking for
I'm looking for a serious relationship that will lead to marriage
I am interested
About me
In chat ?
Looking for
Hladám lásku ktorá ma bude lúbit takého aky som ... Hod mi simpatiu a ja ti napíšem :)
I am interested
About me
Jsem pro každou srandu,ale co je moc to je moc. Věčně usměvavý,ale dokážu se taky i pěkně nasrat ?
Looking for
Ženu na vážný vztah
I am interested
About me
Som normálny chalan asi ničím výnimočný
Looking for
Hladam babu čo má fantáziu a nebudem sa s ňou nudiť
I am interested

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