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46 ročný, smutný zo sklamania
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Niekoho na pokec a možno aj viac. Ale zatiaľ len na pokec.
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I am easy going don't argue or fuse
Looking for
A serious relationship true love
I am interested
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Looking for
Blind dating Louisville
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Byvam na Horehroní,kde nie je veľa možnosti nájsť tu pravu...
Looking for
Hľadám vážny vťah,ženu so rdcom na pravom mieste.
I am interested
Man, 57
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Jonge sportieve vijftiger
Looking for
Een soulmate
I am interested
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Honest and trustworthy
Looking for
Reliable someone
I am interested
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I blue collar worker love to travel and meet new to explore different places meet and…
Looking for
Women to spend time and love enjoy simple things in life and travel with her
I am interested
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I am a Anthony from Canada, I am an marine engineer.
Looking for
A woman with open heart, sincere, loving beautiful and caring, a woman with a sense of humor, God…
I am interested
About me
Looking for
I am interested
About me
Kto som? Ťažko opísať sám seba. Myslím som kreatívny človek s veľkou dávkou empatie, ktorý je schopn…
Looking for
Prečo som tu? Hľadám priateľku do voza aj do koča. OK, do voza zatiaľ...Pekné klišé, ale dnes v čase…
I am interested

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