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Man, 46
About me
Nice day for talk laugh and maybe more ;-)
Looking for
Nice moments
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Pohodový chalan
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Pohodové dievča
I am interested
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Looking for
I am interested
About me
Jmenuji se Venca a moc rád bych našel ženu kterou bych mohl milovat a ona me. Jsem blonďák, modré…
Looking for
Ženu na kráse nezáleží a hlavně která už nechce bejt sama jako já.
I am interested
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Adventure seeking explorer with a heart full of passion and an insatiable curiosity for the world.…
Looking for
Loving a adventure lover
I am interested
Man, 54
About me
52j alost aalst
Looking for
I am interested
About me
I am a man who is nice, caring, honest and sincere person with a good sense of humor and understan…
Looking for
i am looking for someone who is nice. caring. loving, honest and understanding.
I am interested
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Rozvedený chlap , ktorý chce ešte žiť pre niekoho .
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Hľadám priateľku do koča aj do voza .
I am interested
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Am a simple gentleman easy going person love to be with
Looking for
Looking for serious relationship that can lead to life partner
I am interested
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Hledám a nenachazim
Looking for
Kamarádů i víc než kamaradku
I am interested

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