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Ahoj niekedi keď mám čas tak pomáham aj doma aby sme niečo urobili a bolo stim pokoj aj niekedi chod…
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Ahoj na tejto zoznamke Hľadám Pekné dievča ktoré by somnov popísala ak by chcela si pokecať ak by…
I am interested
Man, 37
About me
Naevus man with interest in packaging! Into gardening over weekends, and short trips out of town. …
Looking for
Looking for someone emotinal, happy and has the zeal to learn along the life!
I am interested
About me
Neskor napisem
Looking for
Niekoho na pisanie a ak by sme si rozumeli tak jasne ze aj viac
I am interested
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Svobodný, bezdětný, se zájmem o přírodu a sport.
Looking for
Hlavně hodnou a tolerantní ženu s alespoň trochu reálnými představami o životě...
I am interested
About me
I work at a homeless shelter. Going to college to get my bachelor's in psychology arts. Trying to…
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Looking for a partner. Looking for a friend. Someone a can rely on. Let's grow together and build…
I am interested
Man, 24
About me
Looking for
I am interested
Normal boy
Man, 25
About me
Sweet Charming boy Pure soul
Looking for
A girl who can accept me ?
I am interested
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Rad kukam na telivizi
Looking for
Hledam ženu o kolo 18 let
I am interested
About me
Jsem pro každou srandu...
Looking for
Někoho kdo bude v okolí a půjde se mnou ven či dovnitř
I am interested
About me
Som obyčajny ,skromny chlap .. mam rad podobnych ludi , rad sa zabavam, jazdim autom , rad opravujem…
Looking for
Hladám niekoho zaujmaveho , niekoho obyčajneho , neznašam zlatokopky , chcel by som ozajstnu partner…
I am interested

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