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I am a Muslim I am from United kingdom.
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Looking for a life time partner
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Cool and calm
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Woman for relationship
I am interested
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Simple man, loving and caring with sense of humor
Looking for
Simple and easy going person who loves nature and will respect me very well
I am interested
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Miluji sport krasne pradlo podpatky
Looking for
Nezávazný flirt
I am interested
About me
I am a man who is nice, caring, honest and sincere person with a good sense of humor and understan…
Looking for
i am looking for someone who is nice. caring. loving, honest and understanding.
I am interested
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Find out yourself
Looking for
Love and care
I am interested
About me
Ahoj jsem vdovec 60 let hledám ženu která má ráda zvířata jako já chci tě pozvat na kávičku nebo…
Looking for
Hledám ženu která má ráda zvířata jako já umí se smát a užívat si života těšit se z každé maličkosti…
I am interested
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Looking for
I am interested
About me
Myslím si že som príjemný, nekonfliktný a diskrétny muž
Looking for
Priateľku najlepšie zadanú
I am interested
About me
I'm a nice guy with state of humor and I love mingling
Looking for
A caring and understanding woman whom I care for and love me the way I am
I am interested

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