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Ahoj volám sa Matej som z Ružomberka a rad hrám volleyball
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Hladam dievča 15-20 rokov
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A little less conversation a little more action
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I wanna be your puppet i wanna be your master
I am interested
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Looking for
Přátelé, kamarády
I am interested
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Looking for fun or something …
Looking for
Looking for women
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Som priateľský so zmyslom pre humor. Rekreačne sa venujem rôznym športom.
Looking for
Hľadám spriaznenú dušu na dlhodobý vzťah.
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Ok kluk
Looking for
Hledám slečnu na pokec možná něco víc
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dobrý muž
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dobrá paní
I am interested
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Just made this so let me see how it works before putting a while essay out there loll
Looking for
Someone down to earth and wierd lol
I am interested
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I’m a cool person but then I feel like I can’t describe myself more cos different people with differ…
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Looking for the one to call mine and stay happy, looking for the the one that will still of me even…
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Pokud o mě chceš něco vědět,tak se zeptej.. ?
Looking for
Minulou,hodnou slečnu, která by ráda s někým strávila trochu společného času.
I am interested

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