sk cz si en
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About me
am a person who is positive about every aspect of life. There are many things I like to do, to see…
Looking for
Someone with a great personality
I am interested
About me
Too old to fool around Being me and all I embody
Looking for
Understanding and mutually respectful man
I am interested
About me
Looking for
I am interested
About me
Som aka som
Looking for
Niečo šteklive
I am interested
About me
Romantička, naivka, cynik, drsňačka..společenský introvert.
Looking for
Hledám partnera, se kterým bude život pestřejší i jednodušší.
I am interested
About me
Financially stable and hard working
Looking for
a nice man to start a family with
I am interested
About me
Looking for
Hladam mileho uprimneho muza na cely zivot...
I am interested
Woman, 45
About me
loves life
Looking for
love leading to marriage
I am interested
About me
Ahojky,jsem baculka z Vysočiny, hledám kamaráda ,časem se ukáže..Ráda výletím, procházky, vaření..
Looking for
Hledám muže, co mi bude rozumět, bude mě brát takovou, jaká jsem...
I am interested
About me
Love myself
Looking for
Friendship and relationship
I am interested

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