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About me
I am looming for someone homest loving caring understanding respectful and God fearing.
Looking for
I am interested
About me
I am very cool mom for my kids
Looking for
I am looking for serious relationship with someone
I am interested
About me
Jsem taková jaká jsem, musíš se zeptat co tě zajímá
Looking for
Někoho kdo se ke mě bude hodit ?
I am interested
Woman, 56
South Africa
About me
Humble and caring
Looking for
Loyal and supportive
I am interested
About me
Not much
Looking for
Someone I don't have to settle with
I am interested
About me
I'm a kind hearted person and also trusted the person I in a relationship with and I'm a simple girl
Looking for
I'm looking for a serious relationship that would lead to marriage
I am interested
About me
When life hands me lemon ? I make lemonade with a little vodka ???
Looking for
Just fun, and tryna see what's new out there
I am interested
About me
Jsem v duchodu,klidna ,vesela,nemam rada les,
Looking for
Nekoho sympatickecho
I am interested
Woman, 31
About me
I'm God fearing, calm, easy going, open mind, straight forward etc
Looking for
God fearing man, that's honest, easy going, straight forward, caring etc
I am interested
About me
Ahojte volam sa Simona touto cestou hladam financnu pomoc .Emília a Liliána sú naše vytúžené dvojič…
Looking for
Chlapa navazny vztah co mi vie pomoct a pochopit ze ssme v tazkej financnej situacii
I am interested

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