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I'm here looking for a honest man, text me on Kik @mommyheatherA4 or Telegram @mommyHeatherA4 if…
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Som malá potetovaná blondína, s deťmi, zdravím životným štýlom, vždy pozitívna ak sa dá, milujem…
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Ak mám hľadať tak už všetko, alebo nič. Spriaznenú dušu.
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I'm a good looking lady that has all the right
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Caring supportive man that doesn't cheat
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Jsem normální holka.
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Normálního hodnyho kluka
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Woman, 36
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Bubbly and Fun
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Someone to keep up the energy
I am interested
Woman, 51
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A découvrir
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Si tu n'aime pas les chats, la nature et la créativité. Si tu es attaché au matériel plus qu'à ton…
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I'm just a simple down to earth lady with pure heart but lacking true love from a man.
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I'm looking for the dreamy type of love that few of us ever get to know nowadays... a man that I…
I am interested
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Single lady with a good heart.. smart funny kind and decent
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Seeking a good gentleman with class and morals
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Serious men
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