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Looking for
Easy to go with
I am interested
Woman, 36
About me
I am a lovely and respectful woman
Looking for
Serious relationship
I am interested
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Jsem upřímná
Looking for
Zatím jen pokec a pak se uvidí
I am interested
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Hodně pracují a sportuji
Looking for
I am interested
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Som milovníčka spoločenských tancov a všeličoho iného.
Looking for
Tanečného partnera. Párový tanec je nádherný šport, kde je potrebný súzvuk dvoch ĺudí.
I am interested
About me
Single woman with simple character
Looking for
A decent man,who knows the value of a woman and know how to take care of a woman alot
I am interested
About me
Som vesela citliva romanticka zena ktora ma rada zazitky , malickosti s ktorych sa tesim.
Looking for
Muza ktory ma viac ako 180 cm je svalnaty mohutnej vysportovanej postavy. Spolahlivevo , zodpovedn…
I am interested
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Sem bisexulaka plna energie,ktera sa porad smeje.
Looking for
Hledam uprimne lidi,ktery se chteji se mnou spoznat a navazat vzajemny vztah.
I am interested
About me
am looking for a serious relationship but wouldn't mind friendship coming first .."OK, a little abou…
Looking for
Am looking for someone who respects the intellect, and has the unexpected combination of being both…
I am interested
About me
I'm a woman I principles don't take shit from anyone and if you think of me as a bitch don't give a…
Looking for
I am interested

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