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Po 30 letech manželství bych ráda změnu, tak napiš
Looking for
Pořádného chlapa
I am interested
Woman, 38
South Africa
About me
Am simply. Humble nd straightforward
Looking for
Someone who is caring loving romantic full of lov surprises. Someone who be happy around me.i dnt…
I am interested
Woman, 42
About me
I'm a wealthy woman who spends freely on a younger person, generally a man, in return for companions…
Looking for
I'm a looking for sugar baby Text me on Telegram @AllenHeatherA4 Kik. AllenHeatherA4
I am interested
Woman, 46
About me
simple ,very loyal,very domesticated
Looking for
someone whom i can be with for the rest of my life .
I am interested
About me
Těžko takhle popsat...
Looking for
Zábavu? kdo ví.....
I am interested
About me
Po vzájemné sympatii se vše dozvíš
Looking for
Třeba právě tebe
I am interested
About me
Ráda vařím, posezení s přáteli
Looking for
Nezadané muže
I am interested
Woman, 40
About me
Am humble, loving and understanding
Looking for
Serious, loving, intelligent and understanding
I am interested

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