sk cz si en
Age Locality

About me
In Montana, not North Dakota BBW, spontaneous, quirky, laugh a lot. Divorced with grown children…
Looking for
I'm a relationship girl who's super frustrated with current "dating" culture. I'm looking for an…
I am interested
Woman, 77
United States
About me
I'm living in Billings, Montana
Looking for
Sex, love and a relationship
I am interested
About me
Jsem upřímná dobrosrdečná a hlavně životem hodně moc nešťastná a zklamaná
Looking for
Hledám vztah a hlavně hodného věrného milujícího partnera
I am interested
About me
Jsem obyčejná žena
Looking for
Jen na pokec
I am interested
Woman, 51
About me
Douce, gentille
Looking for
Relation sérieuse et sincère
I am interested
Woman, 42
About me
I'm a single mother of two daughters. Loyal, loving,caring,understanding and hard…
Looking for
Looking for a white man who is seriously willing to settle down in a serious relationship that can…
I am interested
About me
Paraná - a cidade não está na lista (Parana state - my living city is not listed)
Looking for
Homens que se interessem por conteúdo invés de rótulos (searching for men who are interested in inne…
I am interested
About me
Nemám rada falošných ľudí
Looking for
Hľadám vzťah
I am interested
About me
Sme pár. Máme radi sex.
Looking for
Sme pár a hľadáme k nám pár alebo chlapa. V sexe máme radi všetko . Muž je bi, rád fajčí. Dá sa hlbo…
I am interested
Woman, 42
About me
Easy.going.person... Love cooking.and hanging around with friends
Looking for
I am interested

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