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I'm a beautiful fabulous fun delightful easy going woman
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A good honest loyal man
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Stihla modrooka dlhovlasa blondina - usilovna, nekonfliktna, mierumilovna, verna, pracovita , stara…
Looking for
Cestneho, milujuceho, obetaveho, spolahliveho, praveho chlapa s laskou v srdci
I am interested
Woman, 50
About me
Looking for
I am interested
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Objevuji různé země a kultury.
Looking for
Muže do nepohody, ale i partnera ....
I am interested
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Older, curvy woman
Looking for
A handsome, interesting gentleman to have a fabulous conversation with.
I am interested
Woman, 66
About me
Honest and respectful
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Ask me
I am interested
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I need a true love and a man that would take good care of me
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I am looking for a man
I am interested
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Som vesela citliva romanticka zena ktora ma rada zazitky , malickosti s ktorych sa tesim.
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Muza ktory ma viac ako 180 cm je svalnaty mohutnej vysportovanej postavy. Spolahlivevo , zodpovedn…
I am interested
Woman, 51
About me
A découvrir
Looking for
Si tu n'aime pas les chats, la nature et la créativité. Si tu es attaché au matériel plus qu'à ton…
I am interested
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Milá .Snad sympatická.
Looking for
Někoho na pokec a pak se uvidí.
I am interested

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