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Som pohľadná, veselá, duchom mladá...
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Rada by som sa zoznámila s niekým milým, nekonfliktným, normálnym :)...zatiaľ na rozhovor a občasné…
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I'm looking for a serious long-term relationship that will lead to married and kids and I am ready…
Looking for
I'm looking for a serious long-term relationship that will lead to married and kids and I am ready…
I am interested
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Love people around me..and i dislike dishonest people around me
Looking for
I am interested
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I’m looking for a honest man for a long term relationship
I am interested
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Ťažko opisovať samu seba....
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Priateľa, kamaráta...
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Mám 18, som blond s modrými očami, to zatiaľ stačí :-) nebudem sem dávať nejaké súkromné info ,ak…
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Niekoho na nočné písanie ,možno niečo viac to záleží od situácie ak vieš čo myslím
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Mám ráda svoje děti a v noucata
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Může který mi dá lásku,obejme a bude mi pomáhat ve všem
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Simple,humble,easy going.
Looking for
Simple,humble,easy going
I am interested
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Obyčejný člověk
Looking for
Muže pro život
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I'm single
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Looking for serious relationship that will lead to marriage
I am interested

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