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Som slobodná
Looking for
hľadám partnera ☺️
I am interested
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I'm kind and I don't tolerate rubbish
Looking for
Relationship that can leads to marriage
I am interested
About me
I like listening to music and i like swimming,camping,shoping,reading,and even dance too.
Looking for
Am Looking for that special man to rock my world in his arms. I am very simplistic, Never egocentric…
I am interested
About me
Som milá úprimná osôbka zo synom.
Looking for
Niekoho normálneho niekto kto je rodinny tip a chápavý.
I am interested
About me
Som milá, úprimná a starostlivá osoba s dobrým zmyslom pre humor, rád stretávam nových ľudí a vedomí…
Looking for
Hladam charizmatickeho, prijemneho muza na stabilny milenecky vztah.
I am interested
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23 rokov a nadržaná
Looking for
I am interested
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Ponúkam foto videa
Looking for
Krásneho a mladého
I am interested
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Nadržaná blondína slaaayy
Looking for
I am interested
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Som aj nadržaná..
Looking for
Možno teba
I am interested
About me
Ahojte ?
Looking for
Hľadám muža ktorý vie co chce a ide si za tym
I am interested

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