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I am single without any children or husband
Looking for
I'm looking for a good relationship that will love with a good husband
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věčně nespokojená, panovačná fúrie, která klidně stráví půl dne venku v podzimním nečasu
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muže ideálně z Brna a okolí, 35-45 let, životní zkušenosti nejsou na závadu
I am interested
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Just a Girl
Looking for
My Man
I am interested
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Sympatická, dlhovlasá a modrooká blondínka... ,kto chce vedieť viac, nech sa pýta.
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Inteligentneho a vzdelaného muža s prehľadom, ktorý hľadá nežnú a krehkú krásu...
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Povrchní egoistická čůzka!!! :D Alopecie... Důvod proč vypadám jak Mr. Proper. xD Pokud nemám paruk…
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Nehledám nikoho, co bude to bude. No ne?
I am interested
Woman, 22
About me
I am sensitive and good girl who likes to watch cartoon. I also like to spend time with my family.…
Looking for
I am interested
About me
Looking for
I am interested
About me
Calm and gentle,hoping to find other half
Looking for
A good and nice man who knows how to treat a lady
I am interested
Lushous oud
Woman, 30
About me
Kind and meticulous Compassionate
Looking for
loyal, honest, accountable, dedicated, articulate and self less personality
I am interested
About me
Am a fun loving person I love to take a walk with my lovely dog ?? and am fun to chat with
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I am interested

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