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Jsem obyčejná dívka, která by tu ráda našla přátelé :)
Looking for
Hledám přátelé
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jsem na pohodu
Looking for
normální chlap
I am interested
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Looking for
Woman looking for a man
I am interested
About me
Ahoj.. Mojou najväčšou vášňou je lezenie po horách, či už v lete alebo v zime a starostlivosť o…
Looking for
Hľadám pohodového chalana s ktorým si budeme rozumieť.
I am interested
About me
I am a woman who has a good heart with care of my life with honestly
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I am looking for a serious person to understand me very well
I am interested
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Seznámit se s klukem ve věku 46 let 50 let
Looking for
I am interested
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Just caring and nice
Looking for
Tall and handsome man
I am interested
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I'm Ella Manvin, a very nice and open minded woman, I'm here to make friends around the world, also…
Looking for
I am interested
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Ahoj ponukam videjka foto
Looking for
Niekoho kto buďe mať zaujem o moje videjka a foto zaujem
I am interested
About me
Looking for
I am interested

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