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Man, 28
About me
Not much to say... better it stays a surprise
Looking for
Long-term relationship, or at least humanity
I am interested
Man, 28
About me
am a calm and cool boy and lonely
Looking for
am looking for a serious dating gil from any country
I am interested
Man, 40
About me
Appreciate the Creator and love life
Looking for
Being herself
I am interested
Man, 24
About me
A simple and caring Software Engineer
Looking for
Looking for a girl to create beautiful and lasting memories
I am interested
Man, 21
About me
God fearing, Understanding and compassionate towards others, Kind and mild in manner; compassionate…
Looking for
Considerate and reflective; caring about the feelings of others, God fearing and loyal and hardworki…
I am interested
About me
Opýtaj sa ma
Looking for
Nieto kto stojí vážne za vzťah
I am interested
About me
Rád sa smejem v kruhu kamarátov, pozerám filmy spoločný šport.
Looking for
Pohodove dievča ktoré je za každú zábavu, zdieľanie spoločných chvíľ a vzťah
I am interested
Man, 28
About me
Spanish openminded man currently working Denmark. Looking forward meeting people and making special…
Looking for
I am interested
About me
Laid back, no drama type. Like living in the fasT lane. Very open to new experiences
Looking for
A man and woman couple to play with. Will play with both or singally.
I am interested
About me
Mám kľudnú povahu, ale so správnou osobou rád pokecám aj posrandujem na rôzne témy.
Looking for
Hľadám si niekoho na turistiku, beh, cyklistiku, bedminton, poprípade iný šport.
I am interested

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